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CategoryFood & Drink

Have You Met Cold Pressed Juice?

Check out our range of organic juice deliciousness.

Everyone is really into cold pressed juice, and for good reason.

The difference between cold pressed juice and other juices is all in the name baby, cold pressed. Typical juicing machines generate heat when separating the juicy goodness from the fibers of fruits and vegetables.

You're not #Basic. Don't drink #BasicJuice.

The “cold-pressed” way of juicing takes the heat out of the juicing process*. We use special hydraulic machines that gently press the juice from fruit – pressing, instead of shredding, prevents the friction that creates heat.

We feel this method retains more of the flavor, but we’ll leave that for you to decide. What we can say, is when it comes to preserving the nutritional value of the fruit during the juicing process, cold-pressing is the way to go. Heat can kill certain nutrients, like Vitamin C – something we’d very much like to keep in our juice. Sure, cold-pressing takes more time and money, but we think it’s all worth it.

We’re pretty proud of our bottles of scrumptious juices. Ready to meet them? Here they are.

Berry & Bright™

Say good morning to this cold-pressed beauty.

Time to rise and shine with some antioxidants** – our little bodyguards of the body. Blackberries, acai berries, and pomegranates contain antioxidants and also happen to be delicious.

 Alarm Wake Up Call

 1/2 Pomegranate

Clean & Green™

Perfect for mixing up your snacking routine.

Our cold pressed juices were not created for juice cleanses ... because we don’t hate ourselves OR you. But if you need a little snack to help you make it to lunch – this is your jam ... or juice, really. There’s kale, spinach, and green apple that can help tide you over.

25 Kale Leaves

Mid-morning Snack

Tropical Glow™

Fun in the sun? Hydrate AND indulge.

Chillaxing is better with this cold-pressed bottle of sunshine. Try this one out by the pool. There’s coconut water for a little hydration, so you can have your cake and eat it too. Just to be clear, it tastes like tropical fruit, not cake.

1 Whole Coconut

Poolside Perfection

Restoration Red™

Give your body some love before the gym.

Beets are pretty magical. They can help increase blood flow, which is great for an athletic lifestyle. Plus, they taste delicious blended with cherry, apple, strawberry and a little lime.

16 Cherries

Workout Routine


*Our juices are gently pasteurized. Gentle pasteurization means the juice is heated quickly and then cooled quickly (86 C/ 187 F), which kills bad bacteria, maintains flavor & nutrients, and gives the juice a long shelf-life.

**Juices were not created to be meal replacements or a substitute for daily vitamin intake.